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Indecent Exposure: America Reads All About It

Linda Lovelace has been in literally hundreds of magazine and newspaper articles throughout the years, at the height of Deep Throats popularity and during her time protesting pornography. Some of her most important and interesting appearances are listed below.


Linda Lovelace:
The Star of Deep Throat


A movie tie-in made up of photos of Linda shot in New York and Jersey City before the success of Deep Throat.


The Girls of Deep Throat


Another movie tie-in magazine that also features short profiles of Dolly Sharp and Carol Connors.



(April 1973)

Lindas first exclusive men's magazine layout features photographs by Richard Fegley.



(May 1973)

Lindas first major national magazine cover, which was accompanied by a brief one-page profile.


Daily Girl

(September 1973)

This magazine serves up an exclusive interview with Linda and also includes a large pull-out poster from Deep Throat Part II.






Superstars of Porno


This magazine offers fairly straightahead profiles of that newest breed of celebrity, the porn star.



(June 1974)

Features a surprisingly positive article on Lindas appearance in the play Pajama Tops in Philadelphia, published six months after it closed.


Newsday magazine

(July 20, 1986)

Mike McGrady's recollections about meeting Linda and joining her as co-author of Ordeal and Out of Bondage, published to coincide with the release of Out of Bondage.


Bizarre Stars


This magazine features a 15-page layout of S/M photos. Linda starts out as a submissive and becomes a dominatrix. Also features Chuck Traynor as a slave.


Leg Show

(January 2001)

Linda Lovelace returns to adult magazines for her first exclusive mens magazine pictorial in 25 years. Also features a profile by Eric Danville.